Unreliable RDP connection Windows 7 -> Windows 2000
Dear collegues! We're experiencing an annoying issue with RDP connection from Windows 7 to Win 2000 Server. We manage remotely a few servers (W2K and Win2003) that are staying at the same provider, in the same network. Remote Desktop client is connecting to Win2003 and working perfectly, without any problems. But connection to W2K servers is unstable and slower: very often it suddenly terminates, after minimize and maximize RDP client window is black, clipboard does not work. We tried this from different locations on different computers with Win 7 Beta and RC results are the same :(. RDP connection client to both servers from Windows XP SP2 works absolutely without any problems. Any ideas?
May 12th, 2009 11:12am

I stopped the use of Remote Desktop Connection since XP SP3, a lot of problems connecting to legacy servers, especially in authentication. Try Rolay TS (www.code4ward.net), version 1.5.1 is free for commercial use, and the more recent versions also up to 10 servers.
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May 12th, 2009 11:51pm

We're experiencing this too, on all the Win7 clients we have setup so far. A Win7 RDP connection appears to cause TermSrv.exe to take up 100% CPU on the remote machine, which is why everything is very slow. Once the Win7 client logs off, TermSrv returns to normal, freeing the CPU. We can't find this reported anywhere nor anywhere to officially report it though! Is there a better place than here?
May 13th, 2009 1:49pm

yes, we have same issue. All my collegues cannot work via RDP on windows server 2000. It seems to be bug because in pre-beta version and first beta build 7000 it was working fine. it is not working since build 7057 and build 7100 is same it does not work. It is terrible slow and when RDC is minimized when connected to w2k server a restored screen is just black. And slow of course :)
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May 15th, 2009 9:58am

Yes, we have the same exact issue. The CPU usage is probably because the network traffic increases to around 30 - 70 MBit/s. Still a strange and very annoying issue. Hopefully it will be fixed, since many companies still haev legacy windows 2000 servers out there...
May 15th, 2009 1:53pm

And this Rolay TS is supposed to help how? It seems to bu just a wrapper for systems Remote Desktop Connection. So instead of mtsc.exe eating 90% of CPU you get RTSApp.exe eating 90% of CPU.
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May 18th, 2009 2:21pm

I did test two "solutions" (or workarounds) 1. Connect to Windows Server 2008 Terminal Server (not R2) and from this to connect to Windows 2000 Terminal Server. 2. Instal XPM into Windows 7 and connect to Windows 2000 from the virtual Windows XP. None of this is ideal, but both work quite fine...
May 19th, 2009 1:35pm

That may be your best option, since Windows 7 doesn't seem to work well with pre Windows XP operating systems.
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June 24th, 2009 11:35pm

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